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The Secrets To Unlocking The Mobile Home Park Investing

Mobile home park investing has become an increasingly popular way to generate passive income and build wealth in real estate. However, few investors understand the neurons involved in the mobile home park space, which differs from multifamily.




Under Management


Target IRR

8 10%


Why PNW Investment Group?

At PNW Investment Group, we believe that integrity, transparency, and accuracy differentiate us from other private investment firms. We take the time to conduct in-depth due diligence before building meaningful relationships with syndication partners.

We dissect and validate the underwriting of each investment opportunity, striving to uncover the risk profile, feasibility, and true risk-adjusted return for each one. We pride ourselves on always investing our capital with our strategic partners before making investment opportunities available to investors.

Rule #1: Don’t lose money
Rule #2: Remember rule #1
— Warren Buffet

This is our mantra and the rules that we obey by our hearts. With us by your side, you can confidently navigate the world of passive investing.

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Investor 101

Download our Free resource which is the perfect starting point for accredited investors or those interested in learning about apartment syndication. Our goal is to empower you with knowledge and provide you with all the tools necessary to make informed investment decisions. Through this resource, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of the apartment syndication process and become familiar with the industry terminology used by sponsors and syndicators.

What Is Real Estate Syndication?

Real estate syndication brings the power of group buying to the world of real estate investing. A group of individual investors can invest in bigger, more valuable properties than each person could afford alone. Syndication is an effective way for a group of investors to pool their financial resources and make smart investments. Multifamily commercial properties like apartment complexes and condo communities are some of the most profitable projects for real estate syndicates.

Benefits of Passive Real Estate Investing

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